I would like to nominate Diana, hospice nurse at Medi-Home Health & Hospice in Roanoke, VA.
Our family has had the privilege of having Diana as our hospice nurse with my mother-in-law in 2015 and again with my father this past February. Her kindness and compassion during both of these times was extraordinary.
She was there whenever we called, day or night, no matter what we needed. She treated both my mother-in-law and father with respect and dignity and was there with a hug or a shoulder for our family when it was needed. It takes a special person to become a hospice nurse, and to continue doing it for any length of time has got to take a toll on you, but that does not appear to be true of Diana.
We really are blessed to have had Diana and that is why we would like to nominate her for the Hospice Caregiver award.